

Green at morn, cut down at night;Shows thy decay: all flesh is hay:Thus think, then drink Tobacco.And when the smoke ascends on high,Think thou behold’st the vanityOf worldly stuff, gone with a puff:Thus think, then drink Tobacco.But when the pipe grows foul within,Think of thy soul defiled with sin,And that the fire doth it require:Thus…

ICHOT a burde in boure bryht,

Menskful maiden of myht;Feir ant fre to fonde;In al this wurhliche wonA burde of blod ant of bonNever yete y nuste nonLussomore in londe.Blou northerne wynd!Send thou me my suetyng!Blou northerne wynd! blou, blou, blou!With lokkes lefliche ant longe,With frount ant face feir to fonge,With murthes monie mote heo monge,That brid so breme in boure.With…

I saw a young mother

And two little shadowsCame following after.Wherever she moved,They were always right thereHolding onto her skirts,Hanging onto her chair.Before her, behind her –An adhesive pair.‘Don’t you ever get wearyAs, day after day,your two little tagalongsGet in your way? ‘She smiled as she shookHer pretty young head,And I’ll always rememberThe words that she said.‘It’s good to have…