Robert Bly

Night and day arrive and day after day goes by,

young and grows old,and the lumber pile does not grow younger, nor theweathered two-by-fours lose their darkness,but the old tree goes on, the barn stands without help somany years,the advocate of darkness and night is not lost.The horse swings around on one leg, steps, and turns,the chicken flapping claws onto the roost, its wings whelpingand…

The Executive’s Death

Merchants have multiplied more than the stars of heaven.Half the population are like the long grasshoppersThat sleep in the bushes in the cool of the day;The sound of their wings is heard at noon, muffled, near the earth.The crane handler dies; the taxi driver dies, slumped overIn his taxi. Meanwhile high in the air an…

There is something men and women living in houses

Near their stoves hinted at it a thousand times.Ravens at night hide in an old woman’s shoe.A four-year-old speaks some ancient language.We have lived our own death a thousand times.Each sentence we speak to friends means the oppositeAs well. Each time we say, ‘I trust in God,’ it meansGod has already abandoned us a thousand…

Dentists continue to water their lawns even in the rain:

Hang from the sleeves of evangelists;There are murdered kings in the light-bulbs outside movie theaters:The coffins of the poor are hibernating in piles of new tires.The janitor sits troubled by the boiler,And the hotel keeper shuffles the cards of insanity.The President dreams of invading Cuba.Bushes are growing over the outdoor grills,Vines over the yachts and…


The stubble field catches the last growth of sun.The soybeans are breathing on all sides.Old men are sitting before their houses on car seatsIn the small towns. I am happy,The moon rising above the turkey sheds.IIThe small world of the carPlunges through the deep fields of the night,On the road from Willmar to Milan.This solitude…