Wislawa Szymborska

There is much I owe

The relief in acceptingthey are closer to another.Joy that I am notthe wolf to their sheep.My peace be with themfor with them I am free,and this, love can neither give,nor know how to take.I don’t wait for themfrom window to door.Almost as patientas a sun dial,I understandwhat love does not understand.I forgivewhat love would never…

Poetry Reading

at all. O Muse, where are our teeming crowds?Twelve people in the room, eight seats to spareit’s time to start this cultural affair.Half came inside because it started raining,the rest are relatives. O Muse.The women here would love to rant and rave,but that’s for boxing. Here they must behave.Dante’s Infemo is ringside nowadays.Likewise his Paradise….


Niewiele brakowało,a moja matka mogłaby poślubićpana Zbigniewa B. ze Zduńskiej Woli.I gdyby mieli córkę – nie ja bym nią była.Może z lepszą pamięcią do imion i twarzy,i każdej usłyszanej tylko raz melodii.Bez błędu poznającą który ptak jest który.Ze świetnymi stopniami z fizyki i chemii,i gorszymi z polskiego,ale w skrytości pisującą wierszeod razu dużo ciekawsze od…

Island where all becomes clear.

The only roads are those that offer access.Bushes bend beneath the weight of proofs.The Tree of Valid Supposition grows herewith branches disentangled since time immermorial.The Tree of Understanding, dazzling straight and simple.sprouts by the spring called Now I Get It.The thicker the woods, the vaster the vista:the Valley of Obviously.If any doubts arise, the wind…

See how efficient it still is,

our century’s hatred.How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.It’s not like other feelings.At once both older and younger.It gives birth itself to the reasonsthat give it life.When it sleeps, it’s never eternal rest.And sleeplessness won’t sap its strength; it feeds it.One religion or another –whatever gets it ready, in…

Es fehlte nicht viel,

aus ZduńskaWola geheiratet.Hätten sie eine Tochter gehabt, wäre das nicht ich gewesen.Vielleicht eine mit besserem Gedächtnis für Namen undGesichterund jede auch nur einmal gehörte Melodie.Fehlerlos im Erkennen, welcher Vogel welcher ist.Mit hervorragenden Noten in Physik und Chemieund schlechteren in Polnisch,doch heimlich Gedichte schreibend,auf Anhieb viel interessanter als meine.Es fehlte nicht viel,und mein Vater hätte zur…


But only certain kinds:nothing that ended unhappily.If anything like that turned up,enraged, he flung the book into the fire.True or not,I’m ready to believe it.Scanning in his mind so many times and places,he’d had enough of dying species,the triumphs of the strong over the weak,the endless struggles to survive,all doomed sooner or later.He’d earned the…

Яшчэ трохі –

за Зьбігнева Б. са Здуньскай Волі.І калі б мелі дачку – гэта была б ня я.Можа, лепш памятала б імёны і твары,запамінала б мэлёдыі зь першага разу,пазнавала б дакладна любую птушку.Мела б найлепшыя ў клясе адзнакіпа хіміі й фізыцы, горшыя трохі –па польскай, але паціху пісала б вершы,нашмат цікавейшыя за мае.Яшчэ трохі –і мой тата…

Despite the geologists’ knowledge and craft,

in a split second the dreampiles before us mountains as stonyas real life.And since mountains, then valleys, plainswith perfect infrastructures.Without engineers, contractors, workers,bulldozers, diggers, or supplies—raging highways, instant bridges,thickly populated pop-up cities.Without directors, megaphones, and cameramen—crowds knowing exactly when to frighten usand when to vanish.Without architects deft in their craft,without carpenters, bricklayers, concrete pourers—on the…