Whatever thing I do I wish to do it till it becomes a beautiful thing;
Poetry becoming a great and beautiful thing gives me satisfaction!
The satisfaction I get out of the beautiful composition of poem is joy
Real of all the works I have done and am doing ever in this world!
Poetry writing is like art for art’s sake kind of work, when I am deeply
Immersed in the exploration and composition of a full poem sure…!
Otherwise, it is better not to have written a poem at all not having
Completion with ideas I cherish most in heart and to my complete
Satisfaction of heart as that thing of beauty only can bring great
Joy to the creator as well as readers not only now but also ever!
This is how the composition of poems I ever attempt when an idea
Or a thing of deep interest strikes my mind before I start the job of
The day, before I settle myself decisively on my venture with a nice
Ambition in heart to see that I achieve the joy I am longing for sure!

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