That too was with great difficulty published
By risk taking publishers only in the world!
With that it does not end as who are the
Readers having interest in reading poetry
That was believed to be difficult to know
The ideas written by some nice poets sure?
Everything has changed by the time internet
Facility came into vogue since some decades
Ago making all to try their luck in poetry
Writing by way of world wide poetry websites!
Then, maintaining copy right is another matter;
Pirates copied and published under someone’s
Name and plagiarism has come into practice now
And problems of blocking put poets in troubles!
But, poetry is still in doldrums with no steady
State of existence, support and reception ever
Making many drop the idea of writing good poems
And contributing to good poetry websites long!
After playing video games, many indulge in playing
Poetry writing work and publishing on websites
With not much readers to browse and appreciate
Poems to have some interest for a change in routine!
Still poetry is surviving and sustaining itself with
Some success due to some really interested poets’
And poet readers’ support like some oases in the
Great desert of world literature so to say now sure!

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