Into gold, for which there is always great demand everywhere
Just like the demand for petrol making herbs revealed once…!
Jealousy, enmity, hatred, rivalry, violence and wars are due to
Lack of contentment of heart that refines and makes one as gold
Whatever be one’s legacy and environment, nature and nurture and
Character and personality, if one has the heart to develop on them!
Simple living and high thinking person has nothing more to need
Than the barest necessities that help one to go ahead with one’s
Pursuit of interest to create or invent the best to make all better
To live in this world full of opportunities to produce gold from nil!
The ego-less and selfless person never expects much except the minimum
Needs to survive so as to work with heart, mind and soul with what’s
Available to create constructive things as one’s stepping stones to
Success, for, the wise learns by doing things to create masterpiece…!

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