and misbehavers, troublemakers,
and the like, I know I am too much
for you and Mommie and the nurse.’
‘You’re not a dummy, dear, and certainly
no misbehaver or a troublemaker,
you have an illness which is not your fault,
and as you know there are so many others,
just like you, and that’s why they have built
a thousand special schools, for kids like you! ‘
‘So, if it’s not my fault then are you two to blame,
because it cannot be that God in his own ways
would punish his own children with an illness,
unless, of course they did commit a lot of sins.
Did you have friends when you grew up that did,
in their own way behave like me, were sent away,
and who was the inventor of the word, was he a doctor? ‘
‘Autism, my lovely, is what has swept the world,
they tell you that no cause has been discovered,
and thus, no cure exists today, it is a shame,
they say. The real shame, however, and I tell you,
so you know and get a glimpse of our brave world,
is not the helplessness and lack of medicine
for this condition, it is the cover up, my little invalid.’
‘So do you mean by sending us, the victims far away,
hide us in schools where boys are bullies, girls are fat,
is that the cover-up, to keep us from the prying eyes,
of all the normal people, like my sister Madeline? ‘
‘Child, this is strictly off the record, and highly confidential,
I was a budding scientist in nineteen-thirty-nine,
there was no Autism around, even in dictionaries.
We brewed a vile concoction of some chemicals
into a vaccine, all done to help prevent disease.
And there were many problems, to get some ‘pigs’,
by which I mean those guinea pigs to try our stuff,
was very difficult, as prisons had been emptied,
to use the inmates for a war that lay ahead.
The biggest problem was the mode of introduction
into the body of the ‘vaccines’ with expediency,
so one of the most senior ones, a Daddy Chemist,
suggested mercury, a stuff called thiomersal, which is
a toxic foul preservative, it worked so brilliantly.
Not long from then the victims came, and Autism was born.
I often think that my white coat is just a cover-up,
for all the things that happened then, and I am truly sad.
We do still use thiomersal, us humans never learn.’
‘Don’t be so sad, I do not hold this tragedy against you,
but could you keep me home this time, perhaps a cover-up? ‘

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