Many ask in same way as you have asked me’
God is one, he is Self Originator is beyond time.
Inherently such question seems to be illusion of course,
This question is self-contradictory that diverts mind,
If I were to say you that another creator has created God,
You would ask me that who has created that creator.
If I were to say name of another and another creator,
You would ask me infinite times the same question.
For your sake of argument this may bring puzzle,
Among people of diversified belief systems,
This may be impossible to answer for such question.
Among theists and God’s lovers,
Your question may bring cyclone,
Among atheists this may bring smile,
But God is ocean of peace and bliss,
He ever spreads waves of calmness.
By his mercy and grace this is not impossible to answer,
Yes this is possible to answer you through love and affection.
The smile is God’s fine art in human face
And this is a big proof of his fine creation,
Atheists who smile and get happiness
Although they do not agree in eternal father,
Still indirectly they surrender before God.
Going in opposite way, still before ocean of happiness
They surrender and they surrender of course.
To understand God you travel in spiritual path,
From times immemorial Almighty, God exists,
He can never be disputed or questioned.
Present cosmos exists in thoughts of God,
From the beginning of time God is superior.
In physical existence of cosmos veil of illusion covers,
Whatever in cosmos you notice or feel,
Everything is made up of atoms and molecules,
We are parts of cosmos,
Our journey in human form is important.
Life within body is pleasant.
For understanding intricacies we need spirituality.
Every soul is child of God and he is Supreme Soul.
Godis point of light and might but ocean of all values.
Soul manifests inside a body into life form to drive body,
Souls who come to this Earth automatically search him.
There is unbroken bond of love between souls and God.
God is super cosmic energy as per science.
Since eternity he exists and he is eternal super father,
God has created himself but we have not created ourselves,
We souls are created by him,
Freedom of living is given to us,
But time has the thread of regulation in material world,
We are within bodies and bound to birth and death cycle.
God is beyond this cycle and time does not capture him,
God is time of time and God is power of power.
Singing his glory in eternal spiritual path,
We bow before him infinite times,
Getting his tender light of wisdom,
You also surrender before him.
In silence knocking your inner core,
God will answer your all questions,
You can feel his existence.
Have your trust in one creator.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,19 March 2018. All rights reserved.

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