now stand to be someone
to cover a thorny path, long far
dear, loneliness is no matter
and if no one helps you
in your difficulties,
if no one sings for you
in your victories,
step ahead with virtues,
keep vices far from you;
Insert your parts in great deeds
for country, world, society
enter for more in humanity
claiming rights for the deprived,
justice for the oppressed,
honour for its proper owner,
stretch hands in need everywhere
you shall need no fight,
you shall be successful in mission
that i can see in your vision,
No matter, go on, even
if no one favours you
you will see definitely,
a page of history
A line of geography
will look for you, sing for you
for those deeds you contributed,
they will feel you in deeds
in their sad and happy moment
though you won’t be then
and that is your great achievement,
For, your life is not for you
has been sacrificed for your nation.

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