The deepest feelings,
Insert into Life,
Amazing ceilings
Of pleasure and sentiment.
That is why I call you,
Because you,
You are the summit,
Of whatever my life has meant,
Or ever knew,
My Dearest, only you!

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But never said,
Unfilled desire,
A love that bled,
A burnt out fire.

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These Caring Details for Every Year on Your BirthDay:
You are God’s Child so Mild,
a Rose Flower in His Loving Power,
a Peaceful Mind so Beautiful and Kind,
a Heart as Precious as Gracious,
a Being with utmost Wealth in Your Health,
You told me more than often with Words so softening:
I am God’s Embodiment,
thank you so deeply for this Grandest Compliment….
Yesterday I wrote in my WA to you: How many times must I hear
How many times must you tell?
I only pay attention that
YOU are always well
All the time, again and always
the Lord with His Utmost Love for us
has His Embodiment of mankind as a Super-Plus
Loving, Caring, Forgiving, and Giving
As we demand Him we may be receiving
Every day again any word we bestow….
Sending to YOU these Words
may your Heart and Soul be comfortable and glow
may we be the constant seeds every time He will sow
My Dearest Most Beautiful One,
these Words I bestow,
as your Glistening Light of snow,
forever and beyond and in our after-glow,
throughout monsoons, autumn, rains, and snow
I solemnly say If I may,
I love you so pure from deep within….
your caring Soul Sister Sylv.
AD.24 Sept 2017 @ Los Angeles Time 23.54 Hrs
Dutch Time 25 Sept @8.54 hrs.
The true original poem as it was created and declamated, is still in my archives. This is a BirthDay Presentation for my dear Soul Sister.
God’s Blessings in Abundance, thank you for reading this.
Published on PH AD.Sunday 12th Nov 2017 @ 18.11 hrs P.M. W.E.Time
Thank you for your words. This one is for you, Sylv.
can be embossed upon a stone an algae induced field
around brims of waterfalls and wells.
or if i were to say it finds root in the smallest
bud and yellow flower upon the grain of autumnal dusk
would you believe this as psalm and prayer?
upon cold earth and melting hydrosphere
a thousand shimmering boats land on the horizon front
one of these, aboard with two eyes
raised as iris buds for you
travel within the consciousness of warm rain.
After having read your GRATITUDE
Immensely happiest in admiration,
this is for you, baby
WOW! Jumping up mountain high
Imagining you’re constantly nigh
bedazzled of the warmth of the cold earth
in the sound of silence
while melting in the warmth of rain
i only believe the Words of the Scriptures, baby
for me, darling, your words are myriad worth
My love for you is of tenderness
of a compassionate birth….

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