Did you think I would wait?
For my telephone to ring…
Anticipating a call from you?
Pacing the floor,
Wondering our fate.
Did you believe the love I have…
Would not exist if not for you?
When I said I loved you…
I do and that was true.
I did not propose marriage,
To say I do’s.
But I am glad you are confirming,
Your feelings for me.
I’m just someone you enjoy the act of sex.
But having a relationship…
Scares you half the death.
Don’t worry,
I wont pressure you.
And when you hear me say,
I love you, again…
It’s not to entrap…
I don’t want a pet.
Or a monkey on my back.
I want someone near…
Who wishes to share and not fear.
And you have made it clear…
You are not the loyal and devoted kind!
And I am,
I don’t give up something good,
So easy!
I have revamped my training methods.

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