Only Jekyl returned
’cause his colleague was burned
by the flame of belligerent pride.
So Doc Jekyl went back to the fire,
saw the man who is known as town crier.
He was told all the news
and was given her shoes
and he called the town crier a liar.
How can fire get out of control
and consume a most beautiful soul?
So Doc Jekyl was sad
and turned totally mad
He had failed in his life’s crucial role.
When they buried the Doc on Boot Hill
all his neighbours were awfully still.
On his stone they had written:
‘if he had not been smitten,
that he would be with all of us still’.
Resurrected two miles down the valley
was Miss Hyde and her new name was Sally.
She had shrugged off all dirt
from her sorrow and hurt
and now travelled down life’s superalley.
And the story of Jekyl and Hyde
takes so many of us for a ride.
though between ourselves
and recalcitrant elves
peace could enter and war cast aside.
Screw conventions and meaningless rules,
if your heart is on fire and drools
you must bond with her soul
to melt down and be whole,
All advice is the wisdom of fools.

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