The war supposed to end all wars long over though many wars have been fought since
That people die whilst shooting at each other hardly makes for good human sense.
Don’t sing us more songs of war heroes leave the long dead to rest in the grave
Although they died for what they believed in and it goes without saying they died brave
Such songs give approval to ageing war men who send young men for them to die
Those who tell us that war to peace lead are broadcasting a deliberate lie.
Please sing us a song of peace people those who march in the big peace parade
The people who march for to save lives though little of them ever made
For to join the big march in the City they travel from places afar
Though they are dismissed as misguided by those with an interest in war.
Don’t sing us another song tonight of soldiers who died young and far away
From their Towns and their friends and their families just leave them to rest where they lay
In the cause of so called patriotism why use the names of the long dead
Why not sing of the gentle peace people those who march for to prevent bloodshed.

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