Don’t be hurtful with your words
because I have feelings too.
What you see is just a mask;
underneath I am the same as you.
I didn’t ask to look like this,
an accident left me the way I look now.
Accidents can happen to anyone
and that includes you.
Stop and think you before you stare
because you could be looking at you
if fortunes were reversed.
Just smile and say “hello”,
I don’t mind that at all.
You could stop and chat
I will not bite you.
If you do you could find
a friend you never knew,
someone with a heart
that is pure and true.
All I ask is don’t stare at me
or call me names because I am a human tragedy.
Look me in the eyes and
see the real me inside
before you cast stones
at what you don’t understand.
26 October 2013

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