Full family gets special respect in the society of the place.
These things go as long as that family has honour ever.
Once children become elders and get married, that family
Still has a great respect and honour as long as life is well.
If a daughter runs out of husband’s house opting divorce,
The reputation of that family goes down in the society…!
Due to ego, immaturity and ignorance, that family becomes
An isolated island without any soul to advice and guide ever!
If no one gives good suggestions and if the parents too don’t
Give good and productive advice, union of couple is impossible!
Consequently, the couple seeks the help of family court for
Legal separation leading to several years of pendancy of case
In the court benefiting none but the lawyers on both sides!
This the divorce seeking party should understand for better!
Best option for both parties of couple will be outside court
Settlement with mutual consent arriving at an agreement!
With that, if they seek an order from the court, they can
Go ahead for the better with the second life each one likes!

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