So, earthly life is bitter-sweet to live….;
Hence everyone aspires to go to paradise!
Good and evil look similar in sight forever;
Evil glitters more than good gold attracting
All like the serpentine beauty of a whore who
Captures all hearts by her gorgeous decoration!
Man struggles between love and beauty ever
Not realizing which is ever lasting in life to save
One from all turmoils that spring as the Pandora’s
Box is opened when one rises high in world life!
Paradox of life is such that there is nothing certain
Man can rely on as there is not day only in life, but
Night life is also there to rejuvenate all for facing
Life problems ever till the end of time in the world!
Paradise on Earth is in the hands of man to make
Although crises of the world always make life a hell!
Regaining paradise lies ever in following good things
Avoiding the pitfalls of evil emitted as heat from hell!
Dog is the reverse of God, a great paradox, man forgets
Obliterated by the glittering of false gold as God ever..;
Xerox of original can only be an image of true one ever!

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