Nature opens the broad door for all to get education for life ever;
Art is the product one gets to create what one has learnt so far..!
Art is simple and economical, but science is complicated and costly;
What one experiences one expresses in art, but what one experiments
In science says as inference that all know as creation and invention;
Constructive use of both benefits all, but destructive use destroys all!
Nature is living scientific art has myriad phases looking simple,
Yet, it is impossible to imitate exactly due to its fast change;
Nature brings heaven and bliss within the reach of the ardent one
Who with one’s mind in communion with Nature knows all by intuition!
Body, mind and spirit with their feeling, thoughts and mysticism are
The means by which man knows past, present and future to predict all!
Also, man frees oneself of all bondage of world and life knowing the
Purpose and destiny to reach the eternal state of absolute nirvana..!

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