As they wish not bothering about consequences
Or Fate’s play in their career before game ends!
Only one well experienced in life game knows
All well and is capable of having vision of whole
To follow the safe route despite drawbacks in the
System that lifts one up or pulls down to abyss!
Nothing is certain in this precarious world, which
One should know before being cock sure of oneself
To command others or follow the best to be safe
To do best and great to become one so in the future!
But the half baked or the successful in the beginning
May dream of one has become the top in the field
And try to dictate terms to others not knowing others
Valour and their silence due to fate in this world ever!
Only after falling into the ditch, they may realize
What flimsy ground on which they are standing
And how deep the valley down below is actually!
Intelligence lies in learning from the mistakes of all!

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