Remember those sacrifices made by disciples
Giving away life for sacred principles
“Islam” is pure for Pak* people
Make them strong and capable
Same faith with unshaken belief
To get relieved from pain and have relief
It is sacrifice day and something to remember]
Be a part of true aspect and staunch member
Complete faith in one God and trust the almighty
He has everything to shower and show the mercy
Let us celebrate it with strong resolve
Greet the people and extend love
Let us not make people suffer more
The time has come together therefore
Aim is one and path is same
Why then curse humanity and blame?
Pray almighty to give courage and fight injustice
Love and brotherhood is the only way to suffice
Forget not He loves only those!
Who stand fast, pray and repose
Trust and confidence in system created
Blessed equally and cordially related
See Him in smiling faces
Read the language and forget the races
Love in universal and can be read easily
Life is only means to spend it happily
I wish all my brethrens to stand fast
Enjoy the feasts and donate at last
Millions may express happiness and offer blessings
Never hurt any one and san the killings

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