The house you build crumbles down anyway
Money and power men accumulate in hands
Fingers have gaps and those have wings
Both either slip down or fly away
I search and have been searching
Since I developed inquisitive mind
A thing or two comparatively of longer durability
I went to a desert and asked the sand
The sand smiled at me and said ‘’take my dunes ‘’
Then I went to an ocean vast and asked the tide
The tide rose and looked at me and said ‘’take my foams”
I was tired but yet not spiritless
I climbed and climbed and reached to the cliff
The cliff gave me heard look and said ‘’take away my ice chunk ‘’
This time I really broke
And climbed down with a saddened heart
Suddenly I saw something inside
And it was a flash
Glowed and shined bright
And told me in whisper it is in your mind what you search
In joy I hurried back and sat down to write this poetry.

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