you will find a silver-tongued devil
who will talk you into parting
with your hard earnt cash.
They’ll promise you things
you have always thirsted for,
but only at a price
and once they have you hooked,
they will try and entice you more
at an additional cost
and so it goes on and on
until you are broke or get wise,
then the silver-tongued devil
just promptly disappears
before your eyes.
9 April 2011

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saying Happy Birthday
or Happy Anniversary to someone.
However, the most unusual one
I have ever come across
was tied to a fence
opposite some traffic lights,
so when you stopped
it stood out like a beacon light
and written on it
you might well ask.
It read,
congratulation on getting
the all clear at the VD clinic,
and the names of those concerned
was written below.
Now when the letters
are two foot tall
you cannot miss them at all.
My heart goes out
to the names printed there
at their embarrassment
while everyone else was having
a damn good laugh.
27 February 2008

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You are there,
In a ‘somewhere’ without me…
And in my mind,
I can see you.
Wondering what it is,
I may be going through.
And who may be here,
And everyone who knows us both…
Show surprise,
We aren’t together gazing into each others’ eyes.
Wondering what went wrong,
And why…
We now do not get along.
Have you crossed border?
Because you felt you ought to be alone?
Have you put your life in order…
And sorted me out,
To be on your own!
And my heart doesn’t matter.
Or the fact my emotions now roam,
Without a place to stay with you…
In a space we shared once called home.
And you care less who I see and what I do?
Everywhere you go,
I just know…
You are there,
In a ‘somewhere’ without me…
‘It is best to leave a love we once knew,
To let go.
Allowed to drift away!
Until it no longer exists.
Regardless of what those wishes are.
Or what others have to say.
I am done with it…
And you! ‘

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