Pollution of air, water and land have changed climate itself for long
Leading to droughts, sudden heavy rains, floods and cyclonic storms!
Due to no rains for long, trees are planted everywhere sans bothering
About pollution facilitating climate change leading to hottest days
And very cold climate or heaviest rain fall causing floods and in the
Same way formation of severest cyclonic storms at the end of every year!
Cyclonic storm not just one, but in serials cause heaviest damages
And destruction of trees, live-stocks, electrical posts and houses
Immersing towns and villages in darkness sans water, food and power
Supply for days together making it impossible to turn them to normalcy!
Simple village people and farmers after losing their houses, live stocks
Are stranded on the road with no place for shelter for family and children
And unable to do what next in life cry for food, water, dress and other
Help needed to survive, sustain and seek means for pulling on days ever!
Can the up rooted trees be transplanted like the electrical posts are done
To resume regular life activities and bring rehabilitation to all people?

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