There is an end for the exploration of places in the world and sky,
But there is no end for exploration in Nature everyday for new ideas!
All ideas Nature has given to philosophers, poets, scientists, Mystics and lovers are amazing so far and also, no end has come yet;
That is the greatest mystery and miracle of Nature beautiful and
Bountiful ever loving all as mother, teacher and God, the Almighty!
Against this magnificent Nature, man is ever playing by creating vast
Pollution at the cost of climate change leading to drought, cloud Bursting rains, cyclonic storms, tsunamis, landslides and volcanic
Eruptions with Earthquakes now and then serving as warnings to man!
Yet, man has not learnt anything out of such hints by Nature before
Its final onslaught to bring an end to all of us one day or other;
Will it be wise for the superior kind of species, i.e. man to be so
Foolish ever to do such nonsensical things for his own destruction?

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