From the seed to tree with branches of leaves full of flowers and fruits,
From the embryo to man to superman to divine being finally to be one with God!
The evolving process of Nature like the seven colours of rainbow to colourlessness
Of water or glass or the invisible spiritual state is the focus that goes on ever
Until the saturation point of sublimation after purification and up gradation
Arrives in perfect, pure and Absolute state to be one with the all pervading one!
This concentrated focus of Nature is the hint for the seekers of divinity
Who have to aspire, aim and achieve end point sans losing the grip of focus
In all the pursuits of man from the beginning to the end, from the childhood
To manhood, super-manhood and divine-hood, from subconscious to super-conscious state!
By colourful beauty of attraction, Nature kindles realization in all to higher state
To soar high to sublime state like the mystic or poet does to see the Absolute one!

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