In Millstreet he will never more be seen and from Murphy’s Terrace he is forever gone
But death never said of the image and memories of him will live on.
Through his life he helped many people devoted to his wife Tess and his daughters Mary and Ann
Flor was a good husband and father and always the true gentleman
Predeceased by his brother Dave and his sister Peggy and survived by his brother John
But through his children and grandchildren the good man’s good genes will live on.
He could have a few drinks and feel hapy and always remain calm and quiet
At peace with himself and the World he always was lucid and bright
I hope in death he did not suffer he did deserve a peaceful end
In life he never harmed anybody and to many he was a good friend
Flor McAuliffe has gone to the reaper the reaper who will claim us all
And he is one we will remember fond memories of him we’ll recall
An easy going likeable fellow for friends and family he did care
And he will be missed by all who knew him since people like him are so rare.

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