In your crystal waters the little trout dream
And the fields all around you are peaceful and green.
‘Oh’ if you could speak I am sure you would tell
Of how you receive the waters of famed Tubrid Well
And meets with the Cails at a spot called the Lyre
Your grandeur and beauty a poet would inspire.
‘Oh’ if you could speak I am sure you would say
That on your green banks the dark otters play
And by your quiet waters the water vole sleep
And from your tall reeds the shy moorhen peep.
One night I dreamt that you had run dry
I woke from the dream with a tear in my eye
But of course my dream was illusive a visional lie
Your waters will flow long after I die.
When were you born no one seem to know?
You have been moving since cattle could low
As long as the trees, the flowers and grass grow
Your peaceful waters forever will flow.
To stand at Inchaleigh bridge bring joy unto me
‘Oh’ gentle Finnow thou art pleasing to see
To watch your calm waters move ever so free
On towards the Blackwater en route to the sea.

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