And energy putting to paper stuff for money you can’t sell?
Still the World needs it’s poetasters those who create doggerel.
My lack in wealth and worldly goods not good for my self esteem
Since money speaks all languages at least that’s how ‘twould seem
As success goes for years of trying I don’t have much to show
This life journey such a hard old slog and so much from it to learn and know.
Enough from me of this maudlin talk on Nature I should dwell
Since Nature is such a marvellous thing and mysterious as well
One could study her for a hundred years only to realize
That our Mother Earth’s deepest secrets are not for human eyes.
In Nature’s natural kingdom all creatures great and small
From the blue whale and the elephant to the wood louse in the stone wall
Have their own duties to perform as to nature they relate
With each species we render extinct new problems for ourselves we create.
Us humans are not friends of Nature we cut the tall trees down
And bulldoze the old Woodland for to build another Town
with chemicals we pollute the rivers and unpolluted waterways now few
But what we do unto Mother Nature unto our own selves we do.
You true poets with the gift of words on Nature you should write
And on behalf of our Mother Earth with your poems you should fight
And though my lack of success in the great scale of things to nothing may amount
I will speak out on Nature’s behalf since everybody count.

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