And pleasant birdsong filled the country air
And I felt happy and free of any care.
A gentle breeze blew uphill from the sea
And brown Autumn leaves fell from the chestnut tree
And swallows chirped and circled in the sky
Alone with Nature my old dog and I.
On his canvas a painter might capture this scene
The Autumnal browns intermixed with the greens
Beneath a canopy of blue and gray
A picture tells what words could never say.
The old dog spots a rabbit and gives chase
But the years from her tired legs have took the pace
And with every yard the rabbit gained more ground
And he raced into his burrow safe and sound.
The white backed magpie sings his distinct song
And kookaburra laughs and the pied currawong
Pipes his familiar welcome to the day
Beneath an Autumn sky of blue and gray.

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