Making all think that they are senseless too!
Such a thing if a national leader does in an
International forum, what the multi-nationals
Do – feel pity for him or show angry or isolate?
If you are a modern, civilized, secular minded man,
You will wear attire, behave, talk and do all things
Accordingly creating credibility to all nationals sure!
But if you pose as a modern man and support all
Things of radical bigots of terrorist organizations
In World forum, how can anyone support you at all?
Either you must be a senseless fool or believe all others
Are fools feeling all can be hoodwinked being diplomats!
Are all diplomats fools to support a stooge like you ever?
The most funniest thing is he delivers speech sans sense
And asks support for his foolish cause in the world forum!
Will the world laugh or cry for this foolish show on stage?

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