Or has he even seen them and to them said hello?
At the strangeness of his utterings my wonder only grow.
He tells us he’s a man of God is he God’s Earthly judge
And is it’s God’s idea that against those he does not know that he should nurse a grudge
But how many innocents in Iraq because of him have died
Because of good and evil and Nationalistic pride.
We’ve been told of the crimes of Saddam but he is now on trial
For crimes against humanity his life’s not been worth-while
But is G W any better that question I must ask
Though in a free and mighty Nation in his glory he does bask.
In Afghanistan and Iraq mothers weep for their dead
They have reason to dislike G W who back a few years said
We are good and you are evil words coming from one who commands such great power
Only spread the weeds of mistrust that stifle the peace flower.

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