A friend of the poor they inspired some of his verses devoted to their cause till the day he died
Nowadays he is all but forgotten though greatness of him cannot be denied.
One reason he is not well remembered seems so very obvious to me
He did not write for the wealthy and famous only for those in dire poverty
A humble and seroius person about him nothing cavalier
It is not about the underclass that most wish to read of or hear.
Had he written for the upper classes for hero and monarch and squire
Doubtless he would be better remembered and people his works would admire
He highlighted the plight of poor people of malnutrition they died young
He became their patron and spokesman and his poems were for the unsung.
As well he wrote fine nature lyrics George Crabbe’s poems deserve to live on
Nowadays you won’t find many like him the great poets to time have long gone
And he surely was a fine wordsmith one can say a poetic great
One of the finest of his era and amongst the best him you can rate.

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