We inherit this value from you,
Like a Jasmine blooms
And carries light of glory,
We carry all rights given by you,
Like Jasmine spreads fragrance
We souls spread your message,
Like jasmine beholds beauty
We behold your beauty within us,
Magnanimity is your eternal value
And mankind gets this We by your mercy,
You are the greatest peace designer,
God, you have made us kind and generous.
We are very kind towards all creatures,
We are theists as we have trust on you,
Under righteous duty welive happily,
Righteous day gives us light,
Empowerment done by your wisdom
It further empowers many generations,
Your greatest generosity is that
You love all of us unconditionally,
Being greatest savioiur you save us,
You redeem us from all dangers and sins.
The value which you have taught us
It helps every soul maintaining personality,
In between rising and falling tune
And in between ups and downs of life,
We overcome this temporary world,
We remain unattached with every matter,
Like lotus we float in this Earth
And like Jasmine we spark magnanimity,
At each moment we surrender before you!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,13 March 2019. All rights reserved.

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