And sad am I to see you go
As you were nice so nice to know.
Brief too brief has been your stay
And it’s back to home base on sunday
Many miles from the high country
And the wood of Renanairee.
Each morning by your grand ma’s gate
On my arival you would wait
And whoop aloud in sheer delight
When I’d hand you that chocolate bite.
John Masefield the immortal poet
In his poem The Everlasting Mercy’ wrote
‘That he who gives a child a treat
Make joybells ring in heaven’s street’.
And those words as ever ring true
Go treat a child and they love you
But cynicism comes with age
When children reach the adult stage.
Now when you return home you can
Tell how you met with mountainy man
Who cut down trees for his livelihood
In high country in State owned wood.
Farewell Eileen and brother Pete
And though we never more may meet
I’ll remember you for many a day
Though you be far so far away.