Making others follow suite their life style to enjoy life in true joy and pleasure ever!
Such friends’ creative outputs reveal the greatness of romantic life to the world;
Poets of such nature have created immortal works for the world to know of truths
That are unknown earlier as best philosophical ones to cherish most in life ever!
Romantic life that was believed to be only happening in dreams can happen in reality
All have come to believe and live such a free life after romantic poet friends’ poems
Have made great history in literature and still inspire high minds to live so!
The value of freedom and free life style flourish mainly due to romantic works
Based on philosophical truths breaking all fixed conventions that make men mad
And still such dogmatic ideas create hatred and wars among people of various creeds!
The duty of poetry still has more things to do in this world by way of romantic expressions
To inspire and instruct all progressive minds to go ahead with truth to fight all ills of society!

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