Beggar carried a white cane,
needed dough for hunger pain.
Said BIG Arnie Schwarzenegger
‘look at me you filthy beggar,
I have always been the best,
here is proof, I’ll bare my chest.’
Did, but quiet stayed the beggar,
said ‘your worship Schwarzenegger,
I was hurt at Wounded Knee,
and since then I cannot see.’
With disgust the muscle guv
who was with himself in love
walked away with his Jack Russels
No one who ignored his muscles
was entitled to a quarter.
But, the beggar was a rorter
came and said ‘I’ve changed my mind,
as of now I am not blind.’
Off came vest and shirt from Haines,
rippling muscles, bulging veins.
Beggar’s eyes almost fell out,
whispered only ‘Juggernaut’.
Arnie reached inside his pocket,
handed him a silver locket,
said ‘You kleiner Strassenpenner
had this made in old Vienna,
and wait you take this bundle here
it will buy you lots of beer.
On Monday I would like to see
you in the Mansion, if you’re free
must make, by then a quick decision
to fill the Deputy’s position.’
Things had, that morning, been quite bleak
but after seeing that physique,
of what a man could truly be
he’d work on it, as Deputy.

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