The winner always gets the most attention for one to win some others have to lose
Though not every headline maker is a good person bad people often make the headline news.
The praise of others always boost the ego though some who praise they only patronize
The level headed accepts praise and criticism but not everyone it would seem are so wise
Some people they cannot bear criticism even though the criticism of them seems quite fair
Their egos are swollen beyond deflation the humble of heart always have been rare.
Great as you are I’m sure you are not flawless ’tis human to have failings seems so true
Though few ‘twould seem can accept criticism and praise alone they feel they are only due
The current champion always won’t be champion and time of course it does take care of all
The billionaire a mortal like the pauper we come and go as roses in the Fall.
Great as you are there’s always someone greater though a natural human trait the lust for fame
Though not all of the noble are the headline makers some make news headlines through their deeds of shame
The hero of the past is no longer a hero time for anyone it does not seem to wait
Even the greatest after all are only mortal and on us all there is a use by date.

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