And the growing and dancing
This creeper, who turns face,
Breath of beauty we feel,
Nature with bounty of braveness
And creation with care of beauty,
We feel every wonder generated,
God’s greatest wonder is fathomless.
We see green golden tenderness,
We grow through aging and greenness,
Life is automatically motivated,
Natural empowerment we feel soon,
Pure environment surely cares us,
A great nourishment of weather,
It always motivates us to feel,
Generosity is green and grown,
Giggling gossip of green leaves,
It gives gesture of green blooming,
Sunlight falling in Earth smiles,
Sun paints entire sky in rosy beam,
All natural laws are obeyed,
Beginning of a great wonderful day,
All creatures notice of course.
Greatest scene of beauty we watch,
Dank drum has got enlightenment
Getting warm touch of wisdom,
Pleasantness has bloomed with joy,
Such a tender moment we feel
And we appreciate the moment
God’s greatest wonder is mystical!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,12 February 2019. All rights reserved.

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