Yes those years have flown so quickly seems like only yesterday
That I was shown a photo of you as a baby by your grandma in Claraghatlea.
And now you’ve grown into a woman young and lovely to behold
Not too far now from your prime day when you are seventeen years old
And there has to be good future for a good young lady such as you
And bet you will be successful at whatever you choose to do.
You are a nice young lady Lisa that’s how you appear to me
And I know you’ll be successful it runs in the family
And though life is never easy it has never been that way
Bet that you will come out winning I think you will do okay.
Happy birthday to you Lisa life is yours for to enjoy
Though time is very precious it’s a thing one cannot buy
And though life is never easy what matter most of all
Is that you always be happy and your biggest problem small.

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