Have the flying birds made all dream of freedom in the world?
Have the squirrels and elephants kindled all for joyful life?
Likewise so many living beings and beauty of Nature inspire
All dream of freedom, joy of singing and musing in calmness
Of hills, sky, seas and cool forests with all beings in them
For solace, rejuvenation, rehabilitation to overcome loss in life!
Trees dancing in breeze, murmuring brooks, fragrant flowers of
Many colours and sweet fruits of various sizes have made this
Beautiful Earth a paradise to live and living beings continue
To enjoy life and pass on their experiences to the loved ones!
Human culture is to know best thoughts and knowledge of Nature
And human experiences in poetic literature to live life always
With best thoughts, best talks and best deeds to improvise over
The art of all kinds to make human life a complete one for all!

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