People who at times feel happy for no reason
And at other times seem sour withdrawn and sad
But the psychiatrist himself ought to be committed
If you can go by what some people say
If rumours are true the man has lost his senses
And for his own good should be locked away.
He’s been seen in the parkland chasing shadows
Strange for a man of fifty bald and gray
For chasing shadows don’t seem normal for an adult
It is a game only young children play.
There is no harm in one who chases shadows
He’s one you need not have to fear or dread
But for an adult it seems strange behaviour
And in some way he seems not right in the head.
He is an expert on mental behaviour
And many think him clever wise and sane
But if some people say they see him chasing shadows
Then doubts about his sanity remain.
And if this be so the doctor like his patients
For his own safety should be locked away
But more than often there is little truth in rumour
And what’s been said might only be hear say.

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