He did not have much luck at all luck treated him unfairly
And grim reaper came to claim his life some sixty years too early.
When the Millstreet under 14 footballers won the County Cup beyond their expectations
He lit the bonfire in the Square and led the celebrations
I still can see the delight in his face and the young heroes parading
And despite the years and march of time the memories are not fading.
Anthony Price was a nice young man and he had the gift of giving
And in the short life given him he made the most of living
And if there’s a heaven he is there for he was as good as any
He did not have an enemy and his friends were in the many.
If you are young and in good health doesn’t mean you will live longer
For the reaper with the old and frail will take the young and stronger
And Anthony was taken young and his passing caused such sorrow
There are no guarantees in life for some there’s no tomorrow.
He did not live to ripe old age to tell his life time story
But he lit the bonfire in the Square when Millstreet boys won glory
And in that Town by Clara hill his spirit is still living
For Anthony was one of those who had the gift of giving.

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