He would like to mention.
He was already digging deep,
Through the surfaces
She preferred to reflect her image in.
Although she was a beauty…
She was a bit mentally thin.
And needless to say…
No challenge for him.
Although they enjoyed each other,
Until deeper penetration…
Of other thoughts would begin.
And to make her happy,
And perhaps get ‘some’ again.
He pretended to be focused on her banter,
While he thought of stripping her
And making love butt naked…
Within the hour,
That would upon them descend!
Deeper penetration
Deeper penetration
Deeper deeper
Deeper the sensation!
He thought…
And thought.
How to get those conversations to begin?
Between her and him!
And to make her happy,
And perhaps get ‘some’ again.
He pretended to be focused on her banter,
While he thought of stripping her
And making love butt naked…
Within the hour,
That would upon them descend!
And it was just after eleven…
When deeper penetrations he wished,
Did begin!
And she licked his ears,
In each,
What she expected he loved to hear!
In them.

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