And those who would like to see him defeated,
Have exposed themselves to be who they are.
And what they have been!
Without showing their reflections at all!
The voices they have kept hidden,
Now loud in objection
Have shown those around the world…
That he is a man of integrity!
So many had given up hope,
That one like him actually existed…
On shores where crooks,
Stood high and mighty in the limelight!
He may be declared a loser,
By those who choose to view him that way!
He is clearly a winner to millions,
Who have grown tired of watching thieves succeed!
And the greedy bleed the needy.
Creating a downslide…
That has been gaining momentum,
For decades!
And they wish that he should fail…
To continue their ignorance.
With a hope and a desire that it prevails.
But none of it inspires!
That is why that too soon expires!

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