But inspiration to him it will come one might say on it’s own good time
Though not as inspired as he once was since he is past his writing prime.
Perhaps he will never be a well known writer and he will die as a stranger to fame
But he is not in it for the money or for himself for to make a name
To him it is only a hobby he does like to write every day
Some people are compulsive writers and for years he has been that way.
He’s what’s known as an amateur writer for his writing he never gets paid
Though he is a very fine wordsmith one quite skilled at the writing trade
He is not into self promotion a quiet achiever one might say
Few like him ever become famous in the look at me World of today.
He has writers block at the moment but he knows that it will not last
Inspiration returns in it’s own time a lesson he has learned from the past
He is happiest when he is writing though as a writer he will never be known far and wide
He is one whose works are applauded by many in his own Countryside.

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