But he is a true battler cannot keep a tough one down
And he will not die easily the old soldier of the Town.
A decorated soldier many stories of him told
The war medals he won in World war 2 for the price of a pack of beer he sold
He still drinks heaps of alcohol he is a tough old boy
And tis not from eating healthy food that a long life he enjoy.
Not one to keep his silence when drunk you hear him swear
And what others say about him he doesn’t seem to care
Back in the early nineteen forties few were as brave as he
In the fierce heat of the battle he proved his bravery.
An old soldier of the Town he has lived it the hard way
And it does not seem to bother him what others of him say
Down at the pub on saturday he does enjoy his beer
Though nothing about World war 2 from him you ever hear.

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