Giving his full attention he teaches,
We learn scriptural values in life,
He inspires to see dream of reality,
During rest and awakening state,
We still work with enthusiasm.
He inspires at each moment for dignity,
Giving warning not to fall in illusion,
He guides us to live in righteousness,
Not to fall down from original state,
He allows us for self awakening.
Beautifying light with light of love,
Light of peace he sprinkles in flow,
Glowing vision embraces moment of hope,
We learn art of giving service to others.
We learn to live in lovely efficiency.
God inspires us to attain him for rights.
We learn art of transformation to enter,
Gate of paradise he opens for us suddenly,
Favouring wonder we pass through time.
He inspires and we learn to lead in light.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,22 May 2018. All rights reserved.

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