Perhaps in his early seventies when he passed away
And now with the dead of the Parish he lay.
His mother Hannah is still living she is one hundred and one
I’m sure she never expected for to outlive her son
But like they tell us in life there is no certainty
And of the child outliving the parent there is no guarantee.
Seamus Lucey was a good man and a nice person to know
And one I remember from the long ago
A quietly spoken fellow with few words for to say
Yet to help others out he went out of his way.
As a Postman he became well known in the Millstreet Countryside
And in Corkery’s Bar he played poker and his few drinks he enjoyed
In Millstreet his will be a remembered face
And people like him someone else don’t replace.
A tall and lean fellow as I can recall
And the Reaper who claimed him will one day claim us all
He was loved in life and he won’t be forgotten in death
Since his type of man one don’t easily forget.
From the Station road he is not that far away
In the cemetery near the Priest’s Cross he forever will lay
He was a good person kind hearted and wise
And the sad news of his passing brought tears to many eyes.

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