You can not deny of having His messages
And He made each and every prophet
a shepherd in their early life
with a definite purpose
as prophets suppose to guide those
who are worse than the goats
push them ahead
they will pull you back
if you pull them back
they will drag you ahead
basic characteristics of goats.
So He sends shepherds in every age and for each nations
To guide us to reach the definite destination
To protect us from evils
But we never learn
And behave like goats..

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You can not deny of having His messages
And He made each and every prophet
a shepherd in their early life
with a definite purpose
as prophets suppose to guide those
who are worse than the goats
push them ahead
they will pull you back
if you pull them back
they will drag you ahead
basic characteristics of goats.
So He sends shepherds in every age and for each nations
To guide us to reach the definite destination
To protect us from evils
But we never learn
And behave like goats..

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