The tears were streaming down the face
Of this man they nicknamed ‘Lonely Case’.
His thoughts went back to mother’s death
Before she had drawn her last breath
She said do not cry for me John
When from this World I am gone.
When he was six his father died
He remembers how his mother cried
But she took good care of their only child
And raised him here among the wilds.
Lonely case proved he was brave
When a drowning girl he did save
That day a hero he became
But this sad man remained the same.
He now was twenty five years old
There was nothing left for him to hold,
He never knew a happy day
Since his poor mother passed away.
This lonely life of mental pain
For him proved too much of a strain
There was little else that he could do
There was no one he could turn to.
This sad man took his own life
And to make things worse he used a knife
He drove the dagger through his heart
And from this World he did depart.
They found his body by the hill
Lying on the heath cold and still,
He had lived and died in this quiet place
The man they nick named Lonely Case.

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