He could run faster in his twenties he is past his physical prime
And though still a young man he is ageing and feeling the passage of time,
He was a boy of the seventies now he is beginning to slow
He was stronger and he could run faster going back a decade ago
The years seem to go by so quickly on looking back time seems to fly
He could run faster when he was in his twenties that is something he does not deny,
Ten years from now he will be slower time for anyone never does wait
And each day we live one day nearer to old age and our use by date
The Primary school going boy of the seventies is now dad to a Primary school going son
And sixteen years in time have ticked on since he became a man at twenty one,
Life’s prime on his young son is waiting and his own physical prime in the past
And the baby born today getting older and few things in life seem to last

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